Flipstar Lending

Flipstar Lending is a full service private money lender. We handle multifamily, transactional, rehab to flip, rehab to keep, rental and small commercial financing options to our borrowers.

Our Services

Fixing and flipping homes is a great source of income, but it can be difficult to find the right funding. In order to renovate a home and flip it for a profit, you need sufficient capital.

Fix and Flip

For the investor who wants to purchase and renovate a property in order to sell it for profit.

Cash Out

For the investor who owns an investment property free-and-clear and desires to leverage that property for any reason.


For the investor who owns a property or fully platted lot free-and-clear and is in need of capital.

And More...

We also have multiple solutions for rentals as well as an unique multi-family loan program.

Bridge Plus

For the investor looking to quickly purchase or refinance for resale or bridge to long term financing.

Latest Loan Rates

See today’s rates and fill out our short application to get approved today.

Fix and Flip

For the investor who wants to purchase and renovate a property in order to sell it.

Cash Out

For the investor who owns an investment property free-and-clear and desires to leverage that property for any reason.


For the investor who owns a property or fully platted lot free-and-clear and is in need of capital.

And More...

We also have multiple solutions for rentals as well as an unique multi-family loan program.

Bridge Plus

For the investor looking to quickly purchase or refinance for resale or bridge to long term financing.

Latest Loan Rates

See today’s rates and fill out our short application to get approved today.

We are an asset based lender

Flipstar Lending is a full service private money lender. We handle multifamily, transactional, rehab to flip, rehab to keep, rental and small commercial financing options to our borrowers.

We give loans banks can’t give

You acquire investment properties and Flipstar Lending handles the financing. As you make offers and acquire properties we are a ONE STOP shop for all your real estate investment financing needs.

We can get you pre-approved today

Complete our short pre-approval form and get a personal, customized pre-approval letter instantly. Each submission is authorized for up to $500,000 and is good for 60 days.

“When I got turned down from the bank, I went to Flipstar Lending and they were able to get me a loan to purchase and rehab my first flip. They were very helpful and were able to get me a loan with no problem. I would give Flipstar Lending 10 Stars out of 5 for doing what they do! Thank you Flipstar Lending!


Flipstar saved my rehab

“It was awesome how Flipstar Lending was able to get us a loan to where we could have all of our rehab budget included in the whole loan along with the house purchase! We just completed our project and sold our house! We where able to make more than my wife’s yearly salary on this one flip! Thank you Flipstar!!!

Mike and Jessica

One flip = one year salary

Get Pre-Approved Today

Complete our short pre-approval form and get a personal, customized pre-approval letter instantly. Each submission is authorized for up to $500,000 and is good for 60 days.

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